$XWAR token
Total supply - $XWAR
Issuer address (rJAm3vMSiwCZHxLygaTdmiqCUG8YeSJFVy) has Blackholed status, which means that the supply of tokens is limited and no one can create more.
Trustline: https://xrpl.services/?issuer=rJAm3vMSiwCZHxLygaTdmiqCUG8YeSJFVy¤cy=XWAR&limit=10000000000
Chart (DEX) - https://xmagnetic.org/dex/XWAR+rJAm3vMSiwCZHxLygaTdmiqCUG8YeSJFVy_XRP+XRP?network=mainnet
Categories, wallets
Airdrop - $XWAR - 10% - rP89Tun7W9t3cVvqejK598AEtaQufQZZXA
Staking - 1.500.000.000 $XWAR - 15% - rh6MNZF4kaPgoYz1kaFJh6SD3rb5g5apNH
Team - 1.500.000.000 $XWAR - 15% - rD8VfK6KmJpDRL6NcG7ebDNj8RchLXeU8S
Treasury - $XWAR - 60% - rsr3PdxYRdBDy7s2Gc1ADgcv1tDspzdmsT
Using $XWAR
Buying NFT, exclusive weapons, items, skins, characters etc.
Rental of advertising space
Entry fees for games and tournaments
Votes in DAO
How to earn $XWAR?
Winning matches and tournaments and completing tasks
Rewarding achievements and being in the TOP players
As a reward for recruiting players
As a reward for promotion and brand awareness
For participating in $XWAR and NFT staking
How to buy $XWAR?
Install the XUMM app - https://xumm.app/
Create a wallet and send $XRP there
10 XRP is taken as a reserve, 2 XRP for setting up the trustline (blockchain requirements)
Set the trastline $XWAR - https://xrpl.services/?issuer=rJAm3vMSiwCZHxLygaTdmiqCUG8YeSJFVy¤cy=XWAR&limit=10000000000
Authorise on xMagnetic DEX - https://xmagnetic.org/dex/XWAR+rJAm3vMSiwCZHxLygaTdmiqCUG8YeSJFVy_XRP+XRP?network=mainnet
Last updated